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I am Dr. José María Luna Romera, holding a Ph.D. in computer engineering from the University of Seville. Currently, I serve as a professor in the Department of Computer Systems Languages at the University of Seville. My teaching spans various computer science programs, focusing on subjects like fundamentals of programming in the first year and operating systems in the second year.

My passion lies in research and the development of machine learning technologies within the Minerva Research Group. Here, I am dedicated to crafting new techniques and applying them to real-world challenges in diverse research projects. My work is reflected in numerous research articles published in high-impact journals, as well as presentations at both national and international conferences. Furthermore, I’ve had the privilege of conducting two research stays, one at the University of Granada (Spain) and another at Arizona State University (USA).

If you are looking to delve deeper into my research, publications, or simply wish to get in touch, you have come to the right place! Explore my website to learn more about my work and experience in the exciting realm of computer science and machine learning research.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments.

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